Let me walk you through the pedistrian essay

    Do you ever see your self as different than every one else then. The story "the pedestrian" by bradbury .It is about a lonely person in the year 2053 A.D. who is the only person out of all the society who takes walks at night. But suddenly gets seized by a cop. I thought that bradbury wrote this story because there are still people who are different from the rest of society.
    Bradbury uses tone to show he is lonely different and confussed. Leonard is a lonely guy who takes walks at night. He was also confused when the cop siezed him and took him in his car. I think he wrote this because most people are taken away from cops without a reason. He is diiferent because he is the only person to walk outside at night while the rest of society is at their comfort of home. 
  Bradbury uses character as a lonley and different person. Leonard is a calm guy who would like to walk outside to feel more free and have quiet around him. He is also lonely when the cop asked if he is married he said no. Also he walks at night by himself and lives by himself.

     The plot in this story would take place in the year of 2053 A.D. in a november evening. Leonard goes on a walk at night at the street. But when he approaches the corner he get siezed by an officer and without him to argue why he walks at night the cop procides to take him away.
    The reason bradbury wrote this story is because there are many people in society who do different things than what society normally does. Which makes cops notice you as a strange person and could find you suspicous 



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