
Showing posts from January, 2020

Meet nick

Nick is a very intelligent person that comes from Minnesota. But later on goes to new york to learn about buisness. Nick is very interested in how gatsby is. He hopes to work with him. It is also interesting how attended yale and that he fought in ww1.

Why do people believe the earth is flat?

I find it really dumb that thier is people that believe the world is flat. I think they are stating this because they want peoples attention and get noticed. I wonder what thoughts do they have that the world is flat

Am i really addicted to my phone?

When i wake up i grab my phone to always check if its time to leave. Even at all my classes there is always a point where i get on my phone just because. There is never a day where i cant leave my phone alone.

Is school boring?

Most of the time in school when it come to doing work i sometimes dont have the mood to do my work. But when i work with my parents i like to get my work done because at the end i get paid. Its probably of the fact that from doing my work i dont get much from it. But it feels good to see a good grade.

Dark patterns

What i never thought is how an ad or website can convince you to try to buy their products more and more. But in my opinion when it comes to ordering online i prefer to head to the store and ask them if they can order the product i had decided and have no website convincing me if i would like to see any more related products.

I'm ignited

Three questions that interest me is if the world will get better from the viruses and climate destroying us. Also why should we get homework if were in high school and close to maturity and wouldnt have time to do homework. Also does music really have an effect in mind because a lot of people listen to certain music from the emotion they feel.

Last century's writing styles

A genre is a sort of categories that split up its purposes.the difference between modernism, naturalism, and realism is they have a difference of the characters movement. Modernism shows the story of the character realism a movement from the person and naturalism is a fiction story of the character

Argue this

Syllogism is the simplest form of logical argument. And how people strongly state on thier opinions.Which makes me  Question how and will the world end.

Down the rabbit hole

When he stated that everybody says that every other year has gone down in tragedy. I wonder what they mean by that

Notes from today's lecture

Martin Luther king jr has spoken as an african american that he wants to let people have their citizen rights and end racism. He also stated that even though slavery has ended but even at a 100 years later they seem to be getting rascial problems.

American Literature

American literature is when you can express yourself or anything and write it down. It is most know in journals and stories. I contribute to it by expressing what i think is going on my mind from a certain subject.